Ask Mama Jenn-continued
Dear BabysitterC, 8/05/00
Dear Booboo, 8/04/00
Oh Dear, 8/04/00
Certainly Dearest Superd, 8/01/00
Dear Li-Li, 7/27/00
Dear Baby Jon, 7/27/00
Dear Baby Nicole, 7/21/00
Sweetheart, 7/14/00
Honey, 7/14/00
Dear Mommy Katie, 7/10/00
Honey, Sweetheart, 6/30/00
Dear Mommy Katie, 6/30/00
Dear Baby Tinky, 6/21/00
Dearest BabyD, 6/12/00
Dear Krissey, 6/12/00 Dear Daddy Valek, 6/4/00 Dear
little Adam, Have you
read my reply to little Gina on 05-07-00? Mama Jenn gave lots of
advice on the supplies a new baby might need. 6/4/00 Dear John, 6/4/00 Dearest
Andy, PS: Andy
the great hiding place for diapers you were going to give got cut
off so we couldn't post it. Please write back with your idea. 6/4/00 Dearest, 5/30/00 Dear
Little Markie, You can
get more diaper stuffing ideas from Sally
Brown's diaper stuffing page. Have fun
with your diapers, Markie! More Ask Mama Responses on next page.
Dear Mama Jenn
Thank you very much for your advice. My little one is 18 years going on 18 months. I have previoulsy tried the DPF training pants on him, but I have to admit, his tushie looks a lot cuter in a thick diaper!
Thanks again, I will put your advice to good use.
I'll bet he looks like a real cutiepie in his diapers! And you are right, eighteen months is too early for him to him to be dry at night Now that I know more about his age, Mama would like to modify her advice. Since he's old enough physiologically to understand, the game should have a penalty if he loses (has a wet or messy training pant in the morning). Waking up in wet or messy pants will mean that he has to spend the next three nights in diapers before he gets to try training pants again. That way you'll be giving him the message that he has to "earn" the chance to use training pants before he is allowed out of diapers. And his babysitter will still have the pleasure of seeing his sweet tushie in nice, thick diapers at least seventy-five percent of the time.
It might be helpful if you get the baby lullaby CD or tape with music synced to a mother's recorded heart beat that Mama mentioned in reply earlier this year. (It can be found at: - $15.90 (tape) or $17.90 (CD) - no shipping, tax or handling charges - 1st Class Mail - 30 Day Money-back Guarantee)
Slip a Benadryl in his baby bottle or tippy cup and let him listen to the music for one hour before you get him ready for bed. He can play with his trucks on the floor of the nursery while he has his bottle. The combination of the antihistamine and the lullabies should have him practically asleep at the end of the hour.
You can explain that he's been too "fussy and cranky" at bedtime and that he needs an hour of quiet time in his nursery before beddie-bye. You can undress him then and let him play in his undies until it's time for him to go to bed. When you come in to put him in either diapers or his training pants for the night, he'll be so drowsy that he won't be able to put up an effective fight.
Be sure to leave the CD on repeat all night long to make sure that baby has a nice, restful, deep slumber! If he's put in training pants that night, the formula and lullabies will have an unfortunate side effect; the extra fluid and the heaviness of his slumber will ensure that he'll be wet in the morning.
Chuckle - It will be a losing battle for him. The longer it goes on, the less bladder control he'll have at night. If you use catnip as described below, he may even start having "accidents" in the morning again, forcing him back into diapers during the day. Then the argument about him being a "Big Boy" will become moot.
An added benefit of this strategy is that he won't have occasional nighttime "accidents" because he'll be wetting every night. You can shake your head sorrowfully each morning as you change his wet dypees or pants and point out that he hasn't had a dry night for a week, month or whatever period has elapsed. Then ask him how many nights a "Big Boy" has between nighttime "accidents". Whatever he answers, look incredulous and tell him that "Big Boys" have much longer periods between nightime "accidents". Try not to give him exact periods for how long that might be. Keep him guessing. After a few months of waking up every morning in wet dypees (or pants), he should be ready to give up and accept your judgement.
Note: If he doesn't like or drink formula before beddie-bye, make him some hot catnip tea and add the Benadryl to the tea with lots of honey. Catnip is a member of the mint family and mint tea has a calming, sedative effect which will make him more tractable at bedtime.The catnip tea will also relax his bladder sphincters while the honey will cause his blood sugar to rise and inhibit the "wakefulness" hormone. Since he's sure to have never had catnip tea, he won't know what it tastes like and you can easily hide the taste of the medication.
Keeping him away from the TV and in a quiet room for an hour will also help calm him. Make sure that he has a soft furry cuddly toy nearby on the floor to cuddle when he gets sleepy. Clutching the toy to his chest will have the same beneficial calming effect on him that petting cats and dogs have on adults.
You can also paint the walls of his nursery a medium blue, which has been clinically demonstrated to lower heart rate and blood pressure. Use a graduated color scheme going from baby blue to a darker hue as the paint proceeds up the walls. The ceiling should be the darkest color (almost a midnight blue) with small decorative, aluminized "holographic" plastic coated stars and a crescent Moon on the ceiling. Phosphorescent or self-illuminating stars are nice too, they make an attractive substitute for a crib mobile for an older baby as they glow quietly and unreachably in the ceiling above him at night like a sort of Heavenly nightlight.
Be sure to take all of the training pants out of his nursery dresser and hide them in your room so he can't change himself into dry pants in the early morning before you get up!
Thanks for the update, I hope that some or all of these ideas are of some help!
Mama Jenn
Dear Mama,
I've had a problem finding a sitter that will sit for me, the problem isn't finding a sitter but finding one that will agree to changing yucky diapers, most will change a wet diaper byt have not found any that will change a yucky diaper and it's kind of hard to get the feeling of being a true baby without using my diapers for ALL intended purposes? My question, are there any resourses in the bay area of Cal that you might be aware of that could offer a full baby session, yucky diapers and all? Thank you for your time as i am quite sure you have your hands full, i know how babys can be ...giggles...
Booboo ~{:-)
Don't cry, Sweetheart. Mama will be working on a babysitter resource list this weekend. Since she hasn't finished her research yet, Mama's baby will have to be patient for a little while, okay? Mama can't answer your question at the moment, but she promises to find an answer for her baby soon.
Love and Kisses,
Mama Jenn
Dear Mama Jenn,
My little one thinks he is a big boy because he isn't in diapers during the day anymore. However, he still has to wear them at night because he still has bedtime "accidents" a lot. This makes him get upset, and he always acts up at bedtime - he won't lay still and let me put on his diaper because he thinks he is a big boy now. He cries and kicks, and pushes away my hands. What can I do to make him behave?
Your little one sounds a lot smaller than most babies whose problems I deal with. But it doesn't matter, a baby boy is a baby boy no matter how big or small he is! Have you tried "pull-ups"? They have a colored print that look just like toddler's regular underwear, including the fly, but have the absorbency and plastic cover of a disposable diaper. Also, they are made to tear easily along the side if he has a "messy" accident. Pull-ups like Goodnites are made in sizes large enough that some men can fit into them if they have small mesomorphs. If your baby is larger than that, then you could try DPF's Training Pants which will fit adult waist sizes up to 44 inches. There are rumors that adult-sized training disposable pants are under consideration by a major diaper manufacturer and supplier of incontinent products, so that might be a solution as well. By the way, statistical demographic data of potty training ages has shown an upward trend in the last five years. Twenty years ago, it was unthinkable to have a child in diapers past age three. Today it is quite common to keep children in diapers until age four or sometimes five in the U.S.. In Europe, diaper manufacturers make and sell diapers that will fit children up to age seven or eight in almost every supermarket.
In any case, baby boys have a basic drive to be competitive; it's hard-wired into their genomes. Why not make a game of it? Five dry nights in a row (in pull-ups) and he gets to wear regular daytime "undies" and gets an inexpensive toy like a "Blues Clues" toy, (the current rage) as a prize. Of course the waterproof mattress protector stays on the bed, period! If he stays dry with "undies" that night, he can try again. If he has an "accident", the game starts over again.
Honey, don't sweat the small stuff. Even when he's completely potty trained, he's going to have "accidents" now and then until his body is mature enough to control his sphincters while he sleeps. It's not a matter of "willingness", but of growth! If he's an "older" baby (over 100 lbs.) , then the odds are against him ever becoming fully dry at night are slim. You're the Mommy and can easily outsmart and outmaneuver him. Subtlety, not force is the answer to dealing with your baby boy's feelings. The fact that he wants to be a big boy is a good sign, praise him for his efforts while protecting the bed and compromising on the diapers with pull-ups or training pants.
Don't worry about his potty training! All children make their potty achievements in their own time.
Mama Jenn
Dear mama,
do you know where i can find a adultbaby crib at?
Just go to: Their cribs appear to be large and of extremely high quality which are warm to the touch, are noise dampering, easy to clean and maintain, are stain-resistant, fire retardant, and are impervious to a wide range of chemicals and cleaning solutions. They are also highly resistant to ultraviolet radiation and inert to fungus growth, as well as offering outstanding sanitary properties. Incorporated onto each Sim-Clad(r) crib is Basic American's exclusive, beige colored, Sim-Tech(r) protective rail with soft-touch molding. I'd say these cribs are enough to make an adult baby drool with delight!
If you call them and get a price, please email me. Mama Jenn would love to know how much they cost so she could advise other ABs who might have the same question. These are hospital adult cribs and are probably very expensive. On the other hand, they appear to be so well made that you'll never have to purchase another one. Their cribs look like they could comfortably hold a baby for a lifetime. (Note: They are probably not AB-aware, so be discreet.)
Mama Jenn
Dear mama,
I love diapers and my mama does to too, when we visit grandma me and mama sit on the floor in diapers but my dada hates us wearing them. Once my mama bought us each a baba but dada threw it a away. What do I do?
And Could plaese send me a list of really good sites mama jenna Plese?
I luv you. bi.
Mama Jenn is pleased to read that your Nana is so loving and understanding that she allows her big baby girl and (somewhat younger) grandbaby girl to openly wear diapees while you sit and play on the floor of her home. Your Nana must love the both of you very much.
If your Mama bought both of you ba-ba's before, she can do it again if she wants to. She's a big person and has the right to make her own decisions. Ask your Mama to buy you another one. Ba-ba's aren't that expensive. Has your Mommy thought of letting Nana keep the ba-ba's at her house for when the two of you visit her? Your Nana sounds so loving, Mama Jenn is positive that she wouldn't refuse such small request from her own baby girl (your Mama) for the two of you. That way, Da-da couldn't throw them away, since they'd be Nana's property!
Whatever the reason your Da-Da made your Mama throw away your ba-ba's, it's a matter between your Mommy and Daddy.
As for your request for AB Websites, in my humble opinion, you've already found the best AB Website on the Internet. This Website has games, activities, advice, a babycare section, stories, links, cartoons, comic books, etc. for both you and your Mama and much more is coming soon! If you want more or have ideas that would make it better, please tell us. Did you check the links section of our Website?
However, Mama Jenn will give you a good link to a site that rates other AB sites. Since Mama Jenn is naturally prejudiced about the site which she has helped create, she doesn't want to offend anyone else about their efforts. DPF (Diaper Pail Friends) rates AB sites by submission of people's votes.
Links from DPF
LittleAB's site (our site) has the highest rating (3.57) in the DPF group, but there are a number of other sites that are quite good listed there. We are also listed as one of the top hundred sites on the entire Web, so of course Mama is proud to be a part of Little AB's Website.
Mama Jenn can't wish anything for you since you have a loving and understanding Mommy. Nevertheless, Mama Jenn wants you to know that she loves you too, just as she loves all the big babies, Mommies and Daddies who need her help and advice!
With Maternal Love,
Mama Jenn
hi mama jenn
i was wondeing actually my girlfriend was she is my baby nurse and a dominant nurse she is but she was wondering right now i get 10 minute rectal temperature checks and she was wondering if she could start giving me daily injections because she says that what babies get and if she could what would be the best places to inject? she just got i think its about 100 syringes and needles to start out and saline vals about 50 of them, her bestfriend is a nurse and is my other nurse to they both own 8 nurse uniforms and nurse caps they are real seriously in to the role to they have the 2nd floor of her house as my nursey and as my baby hospital i hpoe u can help her
baby jon
Mama is absolutely appalled by the idea of injections for by non-medical persons for no good reason! Babies DO NOT receive daily injections unless they are very, very ill!
There are a host of dangers here, such as; Does your girlfriend/Mommy know how to give an injection? Are the syringes and needles sets in separate and sterile packages? What type of syringes does she have; are they 1/2 ml Diabetic syringes? (Don't use anything larger!) Is the saline solution in a sterile, pristine, non-outdated vial?
I suppose that a one unit injection of sterile saline in the muscle of the upper bottom or thigh or into the fatty part of your tummy (See a Diabetic Website for details on injection techniques) would be okay if EVERYTHING is sterile, within date, and the injection is performed properly, but it's a very, very dangerous game to play!!!
Just for your personal information, Sweetheart, the injection of saline solution will burn like fire. Please reconsider this plan. It's horribly dangerous! Maybe you'd like a weekly Fleet Enema better instead?
Please rethink this idea!
Mama Jenn
Public Notice: Mama Jenn does not endorse nor advocate this sort of pseudo-medical play. It's far too dangerous! The information that was provided above was intended to keep Baby Jon from having a possibly fatal experience by having no knowledge of the medical protocols that need to be observed. Mama Jenn refuses to accept any responsibility for any injury that results from this sort of play against her express admonitions. Her dire warnings about the limits are meant to save lives, and are not to be interpreted as an attempt to induce anyone to engage in this sort of painful and hideously dangerous type of play!
Dear mama Jenn,
i would like to know about pooping my diapers, what i really would like is to do a real baby poop i want to know if i stay on a baby diet of mainly milk and baby food for 3 to 4 days weather my poop will be similar in smell and color to a real baby. Would really appreciate your help with this question.
from nicole
Mama doesn't know anyone that's tried it, but there is no reason to suspect that it won't have the same smell and consistency after a week or two of following a baby diet. There are two considerations here, one is that there are three forms of baby poop and the second is your genome .The first form of poop (meconium) occurs in early infancy just after birth and is dark green in color. The second stage of poop is from a baby who has a milk-based diet and has a mustard color. If the baby is fed nothing but mother's milk, the poop has no odor, but if the baby is formula fed, then there will be some odor. The third stage occurs after the baby is introduced to baby food. If puréed "First Foods" are eaten with formula or mother's milk, then the feces will be soft and very smelly.
If you are of Northern European descent, then the gene that turns off the ability to digest lactose (the sugar in milk) after physiological infancy is probably disabled. People of African or Asian descents have problems digesting milk because their genomes are working properly.
Assuming you can tolerate milk and are willing to go on a "First Foods" diet with formula or Goat's milk for one to two weeks (To give your intestinal tract time to adjust to the change in diet), I see no medical reason why your poop shouldn't be as soft and smelly as any eighteen-month-old baby. Eat lots of puréed fruits and vegetables. Stay away from rice and starches. (Rice water is used by mommies to cure diarrhea and tends to constipate as well as "stiffen" stools.)
Email me if it works, I'd love to hear how your experience turns out!
Mama Jenn
Dear Mama Jenn ,
I am a 15 year old boy that likes to be diapered i dont know exactly when i appealed to them but all i know is that i love being diapered . latley since its summer ive worn a diaper under my jeans or shorts when going to places and ive been wetting myself because its alotmore convent then a toliet (plus thats the fun of wearing them!) i do have a girlfriend and i told her i wore diapers for medical reasons at night when she found some hidden in my closet . how do i go around telling her that i enjoy wearing them and wetting and messing in them before somthing bad happens ?
Diaperd and Young
In all conscience Mama can't advise you to tell your girlfriend about your AB needs and desires. Firstly, from your girlfriend's viewpoint, you've lied to her. What do you think will happen when she discovers that you're a liar? Secondly, what if the idea of your voluntary diaperism disturbs her so much that she drops you as a boyfriend and tells all of her girlfriends that you're just a big baby who likes to pee and poop in his diapers? Imagine how embarrassed you'd feel if your entire High School knew about your love of diapers and your psychological need to wet and mess in them!
Once upon a time, (during the late Stone Age) Mama was a High School student too and she still remembers how cruel her friends and colleagues were to each other about the slightest differences. Mama remembers other girls who were mocked simply because their (very conservative and fashionable) hairstyles had a single strand out of place. Mama's baby girl graduated High School a few years ago and she saw that the way her daughter's High School compatriots treated people who were different hadn't changed since the Dark Ages of Mama's youth. Pre-adults (as well as some socially retarded adults) can be absolutely vicious when dealing with "different" people!!!
Please, don't tell your girlfriend, Honeybunch!! I really do understand your desire to be totally candid (and I'm impressed with your honesty), but the society in which you now live is far too cruel and unforgiving of people who are "different".
If you have a "bathroom accident", then you can fall back on the excuse that you gave her before, i.e., that you have a "medical problem". In a sense, your explanation to her was absolutely correct, because people who need to pretend that they are babies by dressing themselves in diapers and pee and mess in them like you have an absolutely harmless psychiatric condition known as paraphilic infantilism or autonepiophilia.
Honey, don't let the psychobabble fool you into feeling like you're insane or mentally disturbed. EVERONE is a lone individual in the world and is fundamentally different from everyone else! When you've realized that, you've become a real grown up! All the other people who don't like people who are different are playing games to pretend that they're good (or better) because they have the same skin color, religion, upbringing, wealth, etc. There is no need to feel guilty or harbor any self-anger against yourself because you're "not one of the crowd". It's okay to enjoy wearing and using diapers!
When you get to the age of twenty-one, and live in a more (or less) understanding world as an adult, you can be more forthright with friends who don't work where you do. Until then, be silent and enjoy your teenaged romps in wet diapers!
Mama Jenn
Dear Mama Jenn,
can you help me found other babyes like me in northcarolina and help me find adultbabyes videos to in north carolina
Mama Jenn's already answered you on 05/23/00 on how to meet other AB's, did you see my response? Mama can't provide names, because she doesn't know, nor would she announce them freely. Join the DPF club and you can get a list of the names of adult individuals who like to play baby with other adults.
Mama Jenn doesn't like or view pornography (adult videos), but she's been given to understand that "Diaper Pail Friends" (A very old club for the AB community) has a small number of non-pornographic AB videos for sale (although she hasn't viewed them and can't vouch for their nature. Frankly, she doesn't know anything about their contents).
There are a vast multitude of sites on the Web that sell any manner of pornographic adult videos, including AB videos. You'll have to find which videos that entertain you, because Mama hasn't a clue as to what you're looking for or what their URLs might be.
The only suggestion that she can make for finding AB videos in North Carolina is to buy phone books for both the capital and the largest city in North Carolina from the phone company (if they aren't the same) and call the Adult Video and Bookstores in those cities before making a trip. Mama won't research or find a Website for pornographic materials for you, because it's against her principals. If the phone company wishes to assist you in locating pornography in North Carolina, that's their business. - And that's the last advice I ever intend to give on adult videos. If you want to know Websites for harmless fictional and non-pornographic AB or AR stories instead, I'd be pleased to oblige.
Mama Jenn
Dear Mama Jenn,
Thank you so-ooooo much for your advice. My little angel still cries a little. I have always talked to her calm tones when I do have to take her temp, and I never saw her calm down to much. I did give her a massage the last time and it worked like a charm. Thanks again.
Mommy Katie
Thank you for the update. I'm glad to hear that it worked so well. I'm sure that there are other parents out there who will find the techniques useful once they've been reassured that they do work.
Thanks again,
Mama Jenn
Mama Jenn
How do tell parents that you baby stuff
You didn't give me a clue as to how old you are! Are you a lost teenager who doesn't know what to do or say to his parents? Or are you 48 years old and attempting to explain to mommy and daddy why you haven't gotten married yet? Mama Jenn has to have some sort of clue to sort out your problem. Are you straight or gay? I don't even know your sex, aside from the clue you gave me by naming yourself a "BigBadBaby"! One assumes that you are male, but Mama could be wrong. If you want me to help, you'll have to be more forthcoming. Why do you think that you're bad? What does "baby stuff" mean to you? What is it that you need advice for or with? Mama wants to help, but without information, she's baffled.
Mama Jenn
Dear Mama,
I'm curious as to how to get my little one to stay calm when I need to take her temperature. She cries and shakes through the whole thing.
Mommy Katie
There are five ways to take a temperature from a baby. In order of accuracy,(from worst to best) they are;
1.) axial (underarm measurement with a standard oral mercury thermometer),
2.) forehead (using a self-adhesive strip with a temperature-sensitive liquid crystal display [LCD}),
3.) oral (mouth measurement using a pacifier with a similar LCD),
4.) aural ( ear measurement using an electronic infrared sensing thermometer)
5.) rectal (anal measurement using a rectal mercury thermometer).
Every adult, including some older babies, agree that a rectal measurement causes the most psychological and physical discomfort. Therefore I shall address the last and most accurate method. In small babies, their crying usually stems from either positioning problems of the baby and/or the rectal thermometer or a medical problem like diarrhea which has made the area ultra-sensitive. As babies grow to twenty-four months and larger, they develop a sense of self and may feel that a rectal measurement invades their most private area causing psychological discomfort.
The Prime Rule: A Rectal Thermometer Must be Well-Lubricated and Inserted Correctly!
The baby's mother should pre-inspect the insertion site of the thermometer, then well lubricate the rectal thermometer with either a grob of Nursery Vaseline (r) or KY-Jelly(r) before insertion. After the insertion, the mother must maintain position (90 degrees from the plane of the baby's rectum) of the stem of the thermometer and keep the baby under control until the thermometer is fully withdrawn.
The two best positions for taking a rectal temperature on a baby are:
a.) to place the baby over your lap with an uncovered bottom, preferably with the mother wearing shorts so there is direct skin-to-skin contact between the mother's legs and the baby's tummy and hips to reassure the baby (this reassurance is amplified by the touch of the mother's fingers and palm on the baby's bottom as she holds the thermometer secure between her third and fourth fingers, or
b.) b.) to lift the baby's legs while she is lying on her back and insert the thermometer while the baby lays naked on the crib or changing table (the restraining strap on the changing table can help mommy take a temperature by preventing wriggling). This method allows the mother to look into her baby face and reassure her with maternal coos with soft, soothing tones whilst the temperature is being taken. While the thermometer may be grasped between the thumb and forefinger, it is recommended that the mother secure the thermometer between the third and fourth fingers to allow contact of her fingers and palm to reassure the baby as above. Note: If the baby wriggles or otherwise threatens to loosen the mother's grip on the thermometer, than a thumb-forefinger grip on the thermometer should be used.
In every case, a baby should be calmed before the temperature is taken. The more skin-to skin contact there is immediately before the baby's temp is taken the better. The baby should be massaged (See the Baby Massage Section on this site.) and/or the baby's favorite lullaby cam be played (or sung) before the temperature is taken. If the baby takes a pacifier it should be used to calm the baby as well. Don't give the baby her bottle of formula to comfort her before you take her temperature, otherwise, the combined feelings of a full stomach and the anal stimulation will insure that you'll have a mess on your hands (and everywhere else)! Baby boys will produce a double mess as they squirt from the front and erupt from behind!
Don't let an older baby see the thermometer unless it's unavoidable. If possible, place the baby in position for the measurement before the massage is given. Talk to her in soft, soothing tones as you massage her limbs, back and bottom.
Note: In some babies that are over 100 lbs., there is a very real danger that the thermometer might be completely "sucked" into the baby's rectum by involuntary movements of the anal sphincter if the mother does not retain firm control of the thermometer stem. Extraction of the thermometer will require emergency and traumatic surgical extraction of the thermometer in an Emergency Room. Also, babies of this size can easily break the thermometer if they are prone to wriggle. With babies this large, I recommended that a 5" (veterinary) thermometer rather than the 3" rectal thermometer be used for the baby's safety because the stem is twice as thick. (See Mama Jenn's reply to Bobby on 05/15/00 where she tells him how to find extra -large size thermometers.)
I hope these ideas make taking your baby's temp easier!
Mama Jenn
Dear Madam:
My lover and I play baby and recently she brought up the topic of enemas. She'd like to try it, but I'm nervous. Are they safe? What do we need to know before we start? Thank you for your help.
Yes, enemas are safe...within bounds. Used excessively or incorrectly, they are deadly. Enemas use chemicals that alter the electrolyte balance of the body. If used continuously, the potassium and sodium levels can be severely affected - which could lead to rapid death that ER doctors have difficulty diagnosing. Also, the type of enema is important to evaluate how dangerous it is. Normal enema types are relatively harmless assuming the receiver is in good health and the enema is not repeated daily. Try the Fleet Enema sold in supermarkets, it's fairly safe.
This is not the proper forum for discussing enemas as there are USENET groups devoted to discussions to their use and effects. I don't wish to make you feel unwelcome, especially if you're an AB, but there are limits to what I can and should address in my column. The only reason I answered you Honey, is that there are other adult babies who are gambling with their lives with odd enemas.
Good Luck, Sweetiepie, Please play it safe for Mama's sake! Please?
Mama Jenn
Dear Mama,
I have a problem, but maybe it's not a problem, but everytime I wet or mess in my diaper and my mommy removes my diaper I get very hard. Mommy say's that it's ok and she rubs it for me and then it feels so much better. Is there something wrong with that.
Certainly not, Sweetheart! Most baby boys in diapers have at least infrequent erections during diaper changes. Don't worry your little head about it! It sounds like your Mommy knows just what to do to make her baby boy happy and contented. Don't worry about it, Sugarplum, your body is just reacting like any other twelve month old baby boy in diapers. Lay back and relax, Sugar, your Mommy is right, it is OK.
Happy Dipee Changes,
Jennifer Loraine
Dear Mama,
I would like to know where i could find a place that sells diapers in unmarked packages and if i could send them cash for the diapers because that is all i have?
thanks , krissey
Mama says DON'T EVER, EVER, EVER send cash by snail mail (USPS)!!!
Sugar, because sending cash through the regular postal service will be almost be certainly stolen by naughty employees at the United States Postal Service, even the USPS doesn't recommend mailing cash!
Instead, be a smart baby and use money orders! Keep the receipt at least until you've received the mail-ordered items for inspection.
Sweetheart, money orders can be purchased at convenience and grocery stores, banks and check cashing services for a small nominal fee. - Baby doesn't have to send cash. Money orders are insured and you have a receipt just as if you had written a check, except that your privacy is better preserved. In most cases, money orders will process in less than three days versus seven days for a check. Many companies will honor money orders issued by large corporations such as American Express as they would cash and ship on the same day.
Honeychild, there are very few mail order companies that supply adult diapers who don't use discreet packaging. Embarrassing one's diaper-using customers is a certain route to a form of corporate suicide, Baby! Most companies who supply incontinent products go to great lengths to preserve their customer's privacy. To make it as easy as possible, Mama has provided an alphabetized sampling of the better known names and Websites of a few companies that I know are fastidious about privacy, along with my personal opinions about products, service, pricing and delivery times. See Mama's Diaper company list. Mama has purchased AB care items from every one of these companies but "Lifestyles Emporium" (but hopes to buy from them in the future.)
By the way, Sweet Bottoms, there are a number of other companies that are just as good, but Mama listed these companies because she's made multiple purchases from each of them (except as noted) and knows that they are reliable.
Sleep tight and feel secure in your new dipees, Sugarplum!
Mama Jenn
Hi Mama Jenn
Thank you for your advice Angel and I discussed the phone and she knows She is only to use it in emergencies or with permission. We recently had the chance to get together with some other "babies" and she absolutly loved it. As for the chores well yes she does love to help she "trys" to do the dishes while I am at work. They dont always come out 100% clean and the floor as well as her are usually soaked but she tries LOL. And for baths How i wish i could give her baths. Our current apartment only has a shower which brings us to another problem....she is scared of the shower. and it is a huge battle to get her to take one. Any ideas?
Daddy Valek
There are two ways to approach the problem; the first is to help Angel get over her fear of showers and the second is to avoid the problem altogether and bathe her in a tub.
If you elect to go the first route, you'll need to find out what precisely makes her afraid of showers. Talk to her and ask her what she hates about showers. Her answer may surprise you. You need to acknowledge to your toddler that her fear is real. Ignoring a fear can only intensify it and make a basis for a lot of other fears. Toddlers take their fears very seriously, so don't tease or be unsympathetic to her feelings. Let your toddler know that everyone has fears. Even grown-ups like Daddy Valek have fears. Talk about your own fears at her age and how you overcame them. Help Angel understand the reasons behind her fears-such as the fact that she's having to deal with a rather scary situation by taking showers. Don't give her adult reasons why she can't bathe in a tub, such as your apartment doesn't have one, instead, focus on how good showers feel and how much they feel like splashing about in a baby pool.
Listen carefully and respect whatever Angel tells you about her fears. Reassure her that it is natural to be afraid and worry about things. Advise her that what seems scary can be handled and that she will learn to overcome her fear. Support her as she struggles to find ways to handle her fear of showers.
When she finally conquers her "shower" fears, point this out to her so she can learn from her success. Reinforce her for her bravery and for being so such a "grown up" four-year-old!
Many babies intensely dislike having water from the shower head hit them in the face or ears. This can be overcome by purchasing a personal shower head that is connected to the overhead outlet pipe with a flexible hose. You'll probably have to let her watch you take a shower (with the shower door open) so you can demonstrate that you have perfect control of where the water hits your body.
Another common childhood fear is the sight of the water running down the shower drain; the child imagines that she will be swept into the drain along with the water. A thin rubber disk for covering sink drains can be purchased at most supermarkets to act as a shower drain cover to help alleviate this fear. Of course this means that the shower will have to be interrupted from time-to-time to allow her to step out while you drain the water before it overflows the rim at the base of the shower door but that's a minor problem. Once you've gotten her used to showers, you can remove the drain cover and stand directly over the drain to prove to her that neither you nor she will be sucked down the drain.
Whatever you do, it is IMPERATIVE that her fear is not reflected back at her by an expression of alarm on your face when she gets upset! Bring a cassette or CD player into the bathroom (put it on top of the toilet tank and operate it on battery power for safety reasons) and play her favorite music to calm her and make the bathroom environment less stressful. Buy some bath toys for her, but emphasize that they may only be played with in the shower. (Store them in an open-sided plastic "milk carton" container in the corner of the shower to keep them from getting dangerously underfoot.) You can also apply waterproof appliques with a baby theme to decorate the inside tile or fiberglass walls of the shower to give the shower a "nursery" feel. Don't forget to apply non-slip rubber appliques to the bottom of the shower as well. Fear of falling develops early in babyhood and is a wholly rational fear.- Especially in showers. Angel may be reacting to a memory of a "slippery" feeling she had under her feet just before she had a fall in the shower that she had sometime in her dim past.
Let her play in a DRY shower with her toys a few times while her music is playing to have her get used to sitting on the shower floor and playing in her clothes. Buy a inexpensive, large plastic doll with little or no clothes (the doll will "live" in the shower, so she won't need clothes) Let Angel "play bathe" (no water) her naked baby doll in the shower. (The doll will stay in the shower with her other bath toys.[on top of the heap in the carton so Angel can easily see and check on her dolly whenever she wants. ] When she sees that her doll hasn't been harmed after repeated showers with you, she should displace the observation upon herself and conclude that showers are harmless.
After she's gotten used to playing fully clothed on the floor of the shower, try letting her blow bubbles in a dry shower (Angel should be nakey for this type of play.) Sit on the rim of the shower door and blow a few bubbles for her, then entice her into bubble blowing. (See the Bubble Blowing Games section of the Website for more information at: Bubble Fun.)
If she begins to panic, give Angel her shower doll and tell her that her dolly isn't scared. When you've decided that she's had enough "shower play", you can use a warm, wet washcloth (wet it in the bathroom sink - running the sink faucet is better than the shower, as the shower makes a lot of "scarey noise"). to wipe the soap film from her naked body. She'll squeal and protest, of course, but that's what you want. At that point, she'll be demanding to play in the shower rather than being fearful. You can always promise to let her play with bubbles again that same day (or night) if she's good. Limiting access to the shower makes it that much more appealing to a youngster's mind. Later, you can use it as a bribe to make her take regular showers. For example: "Well Angel, Daddy doesn't have time to let you play with bubbles and then take your bath. But if you take your bath, you can play with your toys and the bubbles before Daddy dries and dresses you to go nite-nite. Is that okay? (You'll have to rinse her twice, but that won't harm her and hopefully by then you'll have gotten her used to the idea of being rinsed by the personal shower head..)
After a few "dry" sessions, you can use personal showerhead to wet the washcloth (not her, just the washcloth) and wipe her down just as before. Dislikes can be avoided. Since fears are based on previous associations in her memory, changing the environment, i.e., the appearance, the smell, the sound and the feel of being in a shower will diminish her fears. Creating new memories of happy times in the shower as well as a strong desire to play in the shower should help immensely.
Needless to say, you won't allow her to play with bubbles outside of the shower so that she associates the pleasure of playing with bubbles with being in the shower.
The idea is to get her used to the idea that naked play in the dry shower is fun.
Once you've got her into a wet shower, keep her showers as short as humanly possible at first, and as her fear diminishes, her shower time can be extended. Bubble baths don't work very well in showers, although a number of companies manufacture brightly-colored cans of soapy foam decorated with cartoon characters that could conceivably be used in a shower for both play and soaping. Be careful to avoid getting water in her ears/eyes/face. Of course, one of the best ways to reduce her anxiety about showers is to have Daddy shower with her.
If you are shampooing her hair, use baby shampoo, but DO NOT use the shower head to rinse, rather use several ordinary (flexible & non-breakable) large plastic cups from the kitchen and previously fill them with very hot water from the bathroom sink. (The water will cool to lukewarm by the time you need to use them.) If they're decorated with her favorite cartoon characters, so much the better! Oftentimes cups like these are given away with children's meals at fast food restaurants. If you're in the shower with her, let her pour a cup of water over Daddy's head and laugh when she does it to show her it's fun.
Don't tickle her to distract her during the shampoo, rather ask in a very calm matter-of-fact normal voice, "Angel, where are your eyes? Where is your nose? Where's your belly button?". While she plays the familiar baby game, you'll have the opportunity to shampoo her hair. By the time you're done asking where a few of her body parts are, you'll have finished rinsing the soap out of her hair. Of course, when you are done, you should praise and encourage her with statements like, "Okay, Angel, it's all done! Let's dry your hair with a nice warm towel! Angel, you were so good to Daddy shampoo your hair without fussing! Daddy is so pleased with you! I know shampooing in the shower is a little scarey for you, but it all worked out! Didn't it? It wasn't so bad, now was it? You were a very good little girl, Sweetheart! And Daddy loves you for it!"
If you would rather get a tub, Mama has come up with the perfect solution to your lack of a bathtub in your apartment. You could use a child's plastic swimming pool or you could get a folding canvased-lined bathtub, like the British officers, During the
late 1800's, were equipped with for their tents. Such bathtubs are still sold today for use in African Safaris During the late 1800's. Unfortunately, Mama was unable to find more than one company (in the United States) that supplied them. You can use waterproof appliques with a baby theme to decorate the outside and inside of the folding tub to turn it into a baby tub.
I've supplied the address below for the U.S. supplier as well as a drawing.
Mama hopes she's helped Daddy Valek. Please email Mama about the price if you call the company. If the price is reasonable, other babies might be in the same situation and want to know. Mama will pass on the information.
Mama Jenn
Postscriptum: Email me if my ideas don't work. I'll try to devise some other approach for you.
Roy L. Dupuy
1301 Bumps River Road * Centerville, MA 02632
Telephone 508 775-2215 * Fax 508 790-1674
i am a new adult babby what kinds of toy's and supplies should i
buy. is it ok to poop my diepers and is it unhealthy to poop your
As for pooping in one's diaper, if it were a serious health
hazard, the pediatricians and hospitals of the world would be
inundated with millions of sick babies! Diaper rash is about the
worst hazard if the soiled diaper isn't changed within a
reasonable time. One study concluded that diaper rash accounted
for nearly 20% of all pediatric office visits in the U.S.. The
risk factors (in order of frequency) are: * Infrequent diaper
changes. * Friction from rough diapers. * Improper laundering of
diapers. * Family history of skin allergies. * Hot, humid
weather. * Diarrhea.
Babies wearing superabsorbent disposable diapers have fewer
episodes of diaper dermatitis compared to their counterparts
wearing cloth diapers. If you don't spend more than an hour in a
dirty dipee, you should be okay if you or your Mommy applies a
barrier cream (anti-rash ointment) when you are initially covered
with a clean diaper. A thick layer of a viscous petroleum-based
ointment like A & D over your entire bottom gives the best
protection for large poopies that won't be changed immediately,
but Mama has found that Desitin's new Creamy Ointment tends to
heal irritation diapee rashes quicker (assuming baby doesn't
continue to make messes). If you sleep overnight in wet and dirty
diapers, you should expect to have a mild case of diaper rash. If
this happens, take a bath and cleanse yourself thoroughly, then
apply some diaper rash ointment and keep out of wet or soiled
diapers for a few days.
Take care of yourself, Sweetheart and have a good time wearing
your diapees!
Mama Jenn
Dear Mama Jenn,
Iam a 28 year old sissy boy. How can I tell my wife that I want
to become a full time diaper wearer.
You haven't told Mama whether you've told your wife that you're a
sissy boy. Does she know that you like to wear little girl's
clothing? Has she seen you in diapers and has accepted it? If so,
and all you want is to be diapered 24/7, then let her make the
decision. Did you read my reply to little Andy on 05-23-00? In my
reply I outlined a plan for Andy to cause his Mommy to put him in
diapers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The same plan should work
for you. If you haven't told her, then write me again for how to
introduce your wife to both your infantilism and transvestitism.
If you haven't already told her, you have some major hurtles to
overcome and you may be risking your marriage;
Mama Jenn
Dear Mama,
I've been a DL secretly since I was 7. I'm 22 now yet still have
that same urge as I did the first time I slipped that mysterious
diaper on. I "Attend" Western Michigan University and
just recently aquired a girlfriend. She's everything I could ever
hope for in a relationship. She's smart, great looking, has an
incredible voice, and can always seem to make me laugh no matter
what =) My life has changed drastically since I've been with her
(for the better), however I see my babyish side steadily fading
for I am with her as much as possible. I'm currently living in an
apartment with one roommate who is always home, and its getting
tricky to not only hide my stash of diapers from my roommate, but
from my girlfriend as well. She is a very fun and light hearted
woman, however I fear if i tell her my secret side, "the
side I have repressed from the world all my life" she won't
see me as she once did when we fell in love. My goal isn't for
her to treat me like a baby (though I'd have to admit it would be
nice from time to time), but merely understand who i truely am
without and hidden corners or secrets. I've never met anyone
quite like her and would be devistated if i lost her due to my
selfish side of wanting to wear the occasional diaper. How could
i tactfully handle this situation? Is there any hope without
having to sneak around and keep secrets? There isn't a doubt in
my mind that i would do ANYTHING for her, which includes giving
up my babyish side forever if it would lock our relationship =( I
know we all have to make sacrifices, but wearing diapers has been
a part of me my whole life =( please help...
It is heartening to hear from someone who's life is getting
better and has found his true love. You seem to have two
questions: 1.) How do I tell my girlfriend that I'm a DL? 2.)
Where can I hide my diapers and or baby accessories?,
Let me address your problems one-by-one, Sugarplum.
1.) Telling your girlfriend about you love for diapers is a very
delicate subject. You can start by telling her how much she's
changed your outlook on life and how secure you feel in both in
her presence and after you've gone home. You can tell her that
there have been times in your life that you've felt overwhelmed
by events, but that just being with her has given you the
self-esteem to deal with difficult situations. These statements
should flatter her and give her the sense that you're a
sensitive, but strong man. You'll need her to think you're strong
before you admit to any use of diapers. The most common reason
for breakups of married couples where the man is either an AB or
a DL is that the woman says, "I married a man, not a
Is she maternal, i.e., does she attempt to tend your minor
wounds, care about your eating or does she ooh and ahh about how
cute babies are on TV? If so, that's a real help. If she says
up-front that she hates babies, then the cause is lost. If she
has a heavy bent towards materialism, than you have a good chance
of having the relationship survive. Once you're absolutely
positive that she cares for you both as a mature woman and
maternally, you can tell her that before you met her, that you
"used to feel so emotionally abandoned that you occasionally
wore adult diapers to bed so that you could feel as secure and
loved as when you were a baby."
If she reacts negatively to that, than you have little chance of
an AB or DL relationship with her. On the other hand, should she
respond positively, tell her how serene you are in her presence
and how much trust you have in her. If everything works
perfectly, she should ask to see your diapers (so she can make
you more comfortable and lock you down as a boyfriend). Once
you're diapered, follow her lead and let her do anything she
wants to you in terms of babying. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE YOU
Sweetheart, Mama has some really bad news for you. If you've
loved diapers since you were seven, there is little to no chance
that you'll ever stop wanting them for any length of time. It's
very common for Abs/DLs to throw away all their baby things and
swear that they'll never wear diapers again, but within a few
months, they're buying diapers again. Some medical treatments
such as Depro-prevera will help by ANNIHILATING the sex drive
completely, but the medication doesn't address the person's need
to be loved and feel as secure as an infant.. Honeybunch, you're
going to want to wear diapers for the rest of your life no matter
what happens. Accept that you are a permanent DL and love
yourself. Mama Jenn says that it's okay to feel serene and
comforted by wearing a diaper.
2.) Hiding things that aren't illegal is relatively easy. Do you
have a car? If so, buy a duffel bag and put your baby things in
the bag and lock them in the trunk. For more permanent solutions,
there are books published on how to construct hiding places.
Paladin Press sells a book on
how to construct hiding places.
Good Luck, Sugar. Mama hopes that everything will work out with
you and your girlfriend.
Mama Jenn
mama jen
what are te best sort of distributors of ab clothes
Have you looked at the "AB and DL clothing and
supplies" under the Links section of this site? Lifestyles
Emporium has some absolutely darling rumba panties and booties
for baby girls. DPF has a nice selection if you are in regular
sizes (they are a bit expensive), but the absolutely best site
for baby girl clothing in the British style is Mummy Hazel's
Website at: (
Since you haven't given Mama a clue as to where you live (which
country) or your age and size, Mama can't be more specific than
that. From Mama's viewpoint, the best distributors of AB clothing
are AB aware (with the exception of Comco. They aren't AB aware,
but they make quality products for a reasonable price that
last!), honest, sell quality merchandise and have been in
business a number of years.
Mama Jenn
Dear Mama,
what would you suggest to fill diapers if the baby dosen't want
to poo himself yet still have the feeling like he did?
Mama didn't know the answer to your question, so she asked her
baby Stuie if he knew. From his answer (Mama won't subject you to
his babytalk), there is only one safe substance that is nearly
universally used to simulate a baby's poo-poo in a diaper by AB's
who don't like messing in their panties, i.e., a freshly peeled
banana! Stuie assures me that everyone who has tried it says it
has the right "feel" both in diaper "weight"
and in "slipperiness.". (He likes to make real poopies
in his diapees.) Of course, clean up of the banana is a breeze
and any pseudo-excrement that you don't wipe clean when you
change your diaper won't produce a skin rash later.
Important Note from Mama Jenn: Beware!! Mosquitoes are attracted
to the smell of bananas from as much as one-half mile away. Make
sure that your environment is completely mosquito-free. In other
words, close the windows and don't try filling your diapers with
bananas outdoors!)
Mama Jenn