Ask Mama Jenn-continued
Dearest Baby Stevie, 12/6/00
Dearest Baby Terry, 12/04/00
Dearest Baby Stevie, Prescott, AZ Kay Slogand 602-445-6063 Davis, CA Susie Carlson 916-758-3772 Glendora, CA Kimbearly's Originals 818-963-8847 Santa Rosa, CA Pat Johnson 707-578-8809 Stockton, MD Good Tymes Bears 410-957-1227 Towson, MD Mort Wood 410-821-8960 Berkeley, MI The Doll Hospital 313-543-3115 New York City, NY New York Doll Hospital 212-838-7527 Ravenna, OH Regina Brock 216-296-4866 Tipp City, OH Cairns' Collectibles 513-667-7622 North Huntingdon, PA Creative Stitches 800-264-0370 Plum, PA Country Corner 412-793-1390 Stroudsburg, PA Sankar Bears & Buddies 717-424-2131 Richmond, VA Martha Anderson 804-276-3900 Stoughton, WI Dick Roenspies 608-873-3083 12/03/00
Dearest Baby Stevie, 12/01/00
Dear Nuggi, 11/30/00
Dearest Baby Dani and Baby Brent, 11/29/00
Dear Jenn,
Dear Baby Ross, 11/20/00
Dearest Jennie, 11/20/00
Dearest Junior, 11/20/00
Dearest Jer-Jer, 11/10/00
Dear John, 11/10/00
Dear Abby, 11/07/00
Dear Mama Kat, 11/06/00
Ohhh my!
Dearest Babies, 11/04/00
Dearest Bambino, 11/3/00
Oh, Dear! More Ask Mama Responses on next page.
Dear Mama Jenn,
Thank you so much for all your help!I would love to recieve the story.Me suck my thumb an wear me fist dypee as me wite wuv my onwine mommy.Iv u an babee stuie come tu georgia wook me up an me show u awound Atwanta.Bear bear is gonna ged fixed by goin to toy jus wan to gib mommy jenn a big hug an kiss an me wanna pway wid stuie tu
hugs an kisses
Baby stevie
I bought my first box of diapers today
What a positive delight it was to hear that Mama helped you feel better about yourself! I'll bet that you will be the cutest adult baby in Atlanta when you are wearing your dydees!
Mama sees that her diaper-bottomed baby has learned how to write just like a baby rather quickly. You are a clever baby, aren't you, Sweetie? She thinks that baby's reply to her is absolutely adorable, just as she thinks Babykins must be! Mama promises that she will send baby her nite-nite story that baby wanted to see.
See, Sweetiepie? Buying diapers wasn't so hard, now was it? Still, Mama's Sugarplum was a brave baby to make up his mind so soon. Mama hopes that Sweetbottoms has gotten over his bad feelings for himself and has begun to cherish and nurture the perfectly lovable baby that is inside of him.
Mama knows all about ABs who don't accept themselves and how it can make them feel bad thoughts like suicide. Mama's own baby attempted suicide a number of times in his early twenties and was only saved by his robust constitution. Now that he's accepted the baby inside of him and can wear diapers to bed and listen to lullabies before drifting off to sleep, he's a lot happier. Just before he goes to sleep, he cuddles his teddy Jo-Jo (Who wears a honey-colored, Winnie-the-Poo onesie, yellow plastic pants and cloth diapers with Winnie-the-Poo diaper pins and has its own Winnie pacifier.) and goes to sleep immediately.
He never violently awakes from his sleep with horrible nightmares as he used to, but instead slumbers through the night like a very secure and happy baby. Just in case you are wondering, Sugar, Mama's own baby found his own way to adult babyhood. Mama had no idea of his inner baby and didn't force anything upon him. If anything, he forced his rediscovered babyhood upon me! That's okay, though! Mama loves him as both a man and as her baby!
He is a far cry from the aggressive, often difficult, non-compromising and frequently sleep-deprived man that I married thirteen years ago. He's so sweet and understanding now, that his coworkers and subordinates all feel comfortable talking about anything with him. He has the patience of a saint and is always willing to make a reasonable compromise or accommodation to make people happy. Management loves him because he can foresee personnel problems coming from a long way off (I suspect that his baby instincts to sense stress and emotions give him the clues that he needs.) and "heads them off" before they become problems that affect production.
Years of psychotherapy and medication didn't help him one bit, but accepting the baby inside of him changed him into a wonderful man. The only aggression I've seen out of him for years has been when he was being protective of someone. He never gets angry and is always calm and pacific. Mama hopes that since you've come to love yourself sooner than he did, you will have less problems in life that Mama's own baby's other nature encountered.
Mama is so pleased to hear that you are starting to accept yourself and love your inner baby that she finds difficulty in expressing her astonished joy at her Pumpkin's early success!
With Deep Love and Much Affection, I Remain,
Mama Jenn
Hello and thanks for the cool web page. I asked my girlfriend to baby me and she likes to feed me baby food while im in a bib. but she has a tough time with diapers. She saw some peopleon springer and thought it was sick. However I realey want her to diaper me , do you have any advice to help her overcomethese feelings.
Since she likes to feed you baby food, the battle is half-won. See if she'll accept feeding you formula from a baby bottle. That will be a non-threatening way to see how maternal she feels and how far she'll let the baby game proceed.
Remember Mama Jenn's advice about how a male AB should care for his wife or girlfriend. (See Mama's previous advice to Baby Paul on 10/21/00 and to Fantasy Baby on the same day. At this moment, it is one page down into the archives from my current replies.) Be a player in her sexual fantasies and always act like a man in public. Never embarrass her by acting like a baby publicly. If she embarrasses you by treating you like a baby in public, it's probably a good sign. Pick up after yourself and treat her like an equal. If you live together, help with the chores without her having to ask you. Act like a responsible adult. Rent a weepy video tape and weep in front of her in private.
At some point when both she and you are comfortable, lay back (when you are NOT in baby mode) and in a musing (daydreaming) tone ask her quietly what she found so disturbing about the ABs on Jerry Springer show (especially if you didn't see it with her). When she gets a disgusted look on her face and says something like, "Those men actually wet and mess themselves like babies all the time! They are disgusting!" Then agree with her and say you think that they have taken a perfectly harmless fantasy too far. She will most likely agree with you, but will ask you to explain your answer.
Your response should be something like, "Well, I can understand wanting to dress in a baby costume for a fantasy, because that's only wearing a costume, but I agree with you that wetting and messing in their pants is too much! I mean that uhh, lots of men wear diapers and play the New Year's Baby, but none of them acts like that!" If she agrees with that statement, you are home free.
Wait a week or two and then approach the next babysitting session by asking her if she would mind if you dressed like a baby in a diaper, just to make the fantasy seem more real. Tell her how much you love and trust her and emphasize that you are only asking her to be a player in your fantasy.
Or, if it's close to the New Year's Holiday, say that you are thinking of coming as the New Year's baby to a New Year's costume party and ask her to critique your costume. The bait ought to be too much for her; she should allow you to model your baby costume (your diaper - which should for costuming reasons, should preferably be a cloth diaper with diaper pins) for her so she can tell you how much you don't look like a baby. Then ask her advice on how to make the costume better. Before you know it, she'll be resetting your diaper pins, applying blush to your cheeks and giving you instructions on how a baby walks and talks. She may even insist that you wear false eyelashes to make your eyes appear bigger and more innocent. Men rarely ask advice from women and most women cannot resist the urge to take control and give their best opinion on the best way to wear and stage a perfectly harmless costume once a man has given his tacit permission to critisize.
It's entirely possible that at one point once she becomes used to your diapers, she may encourage you to wet yourself as a form of domination. Resist at first, then give in and wet yourself "to please her". Fear or disgust of faeces is a very common neurosis among the general public, but lightly wetting one's panties is a rather common event among women for a number of physiological reasons. It is important to understand that your girlfriend should be the one to say that you can wet or mess yourself. Otherwise, treat your diaper as a simple costume and don't wet or soil it.
Best of luck, Sugarplum!
Mama Jenn
Dear Mama Jenn,
I emailed you yesterday and I have a couple of more questions for you.I am
trying to work up the courage to get some diapers.What type does your baby
like?are generics good or should I go with the depends?I found one of my
favorite stuffed animals only to find him ripped do you know where to get it
sewed up professionally.I got him from my Grand mother around sixteen years
ago and have loved him ever since now that my grandmother is gone I want to
get him fixed up .she gave him to me because he is an ewok stuffed animal
from star wars I want to get him restored do you know where I might go to do
that?Thank you for the great site and the info on infantilism it made me
feel not so bad abot myself.I thought I was a pervert but I don't think I am
as much now.mama jenn I love you for the service you provide to confused
people like me
Baby Stevie
Generic diapers tend to be "bikini-sized" and not at all like baby diapers. If you wet them while laying down, they leak horribly. If you were to ask the disposable of choice among ABs, the answer would overwhelmingly be Attends. Depends have improved their absorbency by 20% in their overnight style recently, but my baby boy doesn't really like them very much. Attends are still available via the Internet and mail order through although they are virtually impossible to find in some locales, including ours. Attends are baby white with three tapes and come quite far up the back, which helps reduce leakage while laying down. The also have a nice perfume. My baby Stuie swears that they are more comfortable than Depends as well.
No, Sweetiepie, you are not a pervert, nor are you mentally ill. There was a Mary Travers' song that I remember from my University days, which had the refrain of "...And at night we're only children, children one and all!" After having observed humanity for well over forty years, I'm inclined to agree with the proviso that we are all children both day and night. Look around you and see how many so-called adults comport themselves. There are times at work when I swear that I work in a Daycare Center for superannuated babies and Kindergartners rather than a Fortune 500 company. I have also observed that the higher ranking a corporate person is, the more infantile that they are prone to act. This is not always true, but true enough to be an interesting observation.
Strangely, psychological I.Q. tests are based around this idea as well. There is a tacit assumption that people don't mature past seventeen years, so the maximum age used as the divisor in the quotient of "Intelligence Quotient" is seventeen. But I.Q. tests are meant to measure intellectual age, not emotional age. If a reasonable test were devised to test emotional age, Mama is quite positive that most men would score at best at the fourteen-year-old level and women at the seventeen-year-old level. Assuming a Gaussian distribution of emotional ages, Mama wouldn't be surprised at all to see that a significant portion of the population has the emotional level of a Kindergartner. Statistically then, individuals with younger emotional ages should be expected in at least 1% of the population, which seems to be borne out by the number of ABs. Certainly the mindset of many felons in prison would lead one to that conclusion. Of the convicted felons that Mama has met, she was impressed by the infantile emotional structure of their personalities. Some of them act like extremely nasty and violent two-year-olds who happen to reside in an adult bodies with concomitant adult abilities and strength! Imagine a fifteen-month-old baby who was sexually and physically abused and is thus emotionally stunted and deprived without a good thought in his mind except anger. Imagine the kind of violent temper tantrum he could throw in an adult body with adult strength, sexual potency, skills, knowledge and firearms!
ABs are but pale shadows of this sort of vicious personality. ABs only want to wear their diapers in peace, suck on their thumbs or pacifiers and watch a few cartoons while hugging their stuffed toys or teddy bears! Mama is scared of the first sort, but has an all-abiding love for the second sort of baby who simply needs a bit of love and acceptance.
As another strange coincidence, during the 1940's, a psychologist came to the same conclusion that I have and had a number of extremely dangerous prison volunteers diapered, blindfolded and tied to their beds. They were spoon-fed and bottle-fed for approximately four to six months and had their diapers changed regularly and were sponge bathed daily. At the end of the experiment, all of them had lost their aggressiveness and had to be isolated from the rest of the prison population. In essence, they had regained the innocence of their babyhood. They weren't given any medications nor were mind-altering psychological treatments imposed on them. They were merely treated like babies for the period and had "reformed" in the purest sense of the word.
For your personal information, demographically most ABs are men with a Baccalaureate or higher University degree and are upper-level technical types, supervisors or in management. ABs are definitely not "losers" in a social sense. A book titled, "The Sexual Behavior of Men in Power" written in the 1980s was a study of sexual behaviors of Senators and Representatives of our Federal Congress as described by professional "Lady's of the Evening". AB behavior was present there as well.
So you can see, my Darling, you are not alone. Some of the most successful men in America are ABs.
Mama loves you, Darling! Yes she does!
Mama Jenn
Postscriptum: Now then, as to your problem with fixing your stuffed toy; Mama has good news! The following people repair stuffed animals and teddy bears:
Dear Mama Jenn,
I have just stumbled into the scene and am having a few reservations about it.Am I wrong for feeling guilty about it.I have not been able to get diapers because I am scared.I am scared that my mom and dad will find out and have me committed somewhere.I have never had much support or encouragement and I suffer from a low self esteem?My parents are loving but have not been supportive in my life?I also need help finding a mommy or daddy to love and support my 24 month old alter ego who is dying to come out.I love your stories but my computer can not download all of onward christian let you know a little about me I am 24 yrs. old but still live at my parents house.I love eeyore more than wiinnie the pooh.eeyore is sad and kind he reminds me of me.I am helping to raise my 3 year old neice who lives at my house in the custody of my it is hard to let my ab out to play even though I occasionally find myself watching pooh in her nursery many times with her. I don't want to give my parents the wrong impression because I love my neice and I don't want them to think I am a pedophile(I think there is nothing lower than that!!)I love my family but I want to get over the fear and guilt and bad feelings I have and need help(I have been suicidal in the past)please help me
Baby Stevie
Mama feels so sad for you. She would much rather hear that you feel like the happy-go-lucky Poo Bear than poor, depressed, sad-eyed Eeyore.
No, Sweetheart, you shouldn't feel guilty for wanting to be a baby again so you can receive the love and care that you need and deserve. Mama is sad because it doesn't sound like your parents have ever been very supportive of you. It's obvious to Mama that your low self-esteem was and is caused by your parent's lack of nurturing, rather than your failure to be a good person. (The fact that you are a loving caregiver for your three-year-old niece tells Mama that you are a good person.)
Darling, like you, all adult babies despise pederasts because they see them as victimizers of children because they feel that deep down inside, that they are small children or babies themselves. Most of the guilt that adult babies feel comes from an unfounded fear that they might be hidden pederasts (they aren't) or they are depressed because they feel so alone in the world. (They aren't.) It isn't unusual for an adult baby to think that they are the only person in the world who feels the need to be babied or to act like a baby and that often leads them to question their sanity. Honeybunch, Infantilism has been around since the dawn of man and is a completely harmless psychosexual variation.
Everyone at some point in their lives wishes to return to the carefree days of their infancy when they were unconditionally loved no matter what they did. Take a good hard look at your parents. No matter how old they are physiologically, inside they see themselves as teenagers or in their early twenties. But beneath their self-image, they are merely children who are pretending to be adults. That's true of every adult, pumpkin! Is it so different or so terrible that you see the truth of your inner self and know that you are a bit younger inside than others? Is that wrong? No, Dearest baby boy, it is not.
Who does it hurt for you to play with baby toys or hug a teddy bear? What is wrong you with drinking baby formula from a baby bottle if you wish? Why should you deny yourself the pleasure of wearing a nice, wet, warm diaper if it pleases you? Mama has read the New and Old Testaments, the Quran, the Talmud, the Midrash, the Book of the Yellow Wheel, the Vedas, Upshads and the "Gita" and she has never found a word of Holy Scripture that says that wanting to be a baby or acting like a baby is a sin. There are no moral proscriptions to being an adult baby, just as there are no laws against it. The APA (American Psychological Association) lists it as a harmless behavioral variation.
Do you have a job and a car? It sounds like you need a short (baby) vacation from adulthood. Could you take two days off from work (a Thursday and Friday would be best) and tell your parents that you are going to visit some out-of-town friends or are going to visit a theme park like "Six Flags", DisneyWorld or Disneyland? Put in for some vacation and pack your bags. Print out your favorite AB/AR stories, staple each story together so the pages won't get mixed up and put them in a large manila envelope. Once you've set off for your baby vacation, stop at a store like Walmart and buy a Winnie the Poo Bear of your own and a large black duffel bag. Be good to yourself and go all out. Buy a medium onesie, some diaper pins, some cloth diapers and plastic pants for your Poo Bear as well as a baby bottle, a baby travel kit with small containers of baby shampoo, lotion, baby bath and baby powder, a pacifier, a tub of baby wipes, some bubble bath, a baby spoon, a bib, a few nursery books, some formula and baby food then put them in the duffel bag in the trunk of your car. Buy a nice plastic padded sleep mat to use as a changing mat and get some one gallon ziplock bags and some dark lawn and leaf bags to used to dispose of your empty baby food jars and dirty diapers. Buy some small baby toys and a nice "blankie" for yourself too.
If you think that someone you know might see you, go to the other side of your city or a nearby town. If the cashier asks you about your purchases, tell them that you are buying them for your thirteen-month-old niece or nephew. Then stop by a pharmacy and pick up some disposable adult diapers. If anyone asks you about the adult diapers, tell them that you are buying them for your Grandmother. Then go out of town and register at a motel so you can be a baby in private. If you live close to a theme park, diaper yourself instead of wearing underwear the next morning and spend a day in diapers enjoying the rides while eating hot dogs and cotton candy like you did when you were little! If you feel the need to "go" while you are on a ride, then pee or poop in your diaper! After all, that's what diapers are for! Bring an extra diaper along "just in case" you might need a change while you are at the park.
When you get tired, go back to your motel room for a rest. Watch cartoons and play with your new toys. Suck your thumb or pacifier and take a nap with your new Poo Bear! When you awaken, drive to your favorite fast food restaurant and use the drive-thru window to buy yourself a kiddy meal with toys! Be a loving and kind parent to yourself, Sugar! Take a bubble bath before you lotion and powder yourself before re-diapering your baby bottom so you can go nite-nite comfortably. If you have a portable CD player, buy a CD of lullabies to lull yourself to sleep!
Sweetbottoms, there is no reason at all for you to be fearful and miserable. You might have to be careful around your parents, but that's all. Keep your baby things in the black duffel bag in the trunk of your car. Since you don't have a loving Mommy or Daddy to take care of you, you'll just have to be a good Mommy or Daddy to yourself! Take a look at the party schedule on Diaper Pail Friends Website ( and see if there are any baby parties in your area. If you decide to go to a party, call, write or RSP by email to let them know that you are coming, then stop on the way at a gasoline station and diaper yourself before you arrive.
Honey, the AB who can't control himself, is totally incontinent for no medical reason and who acts like a baby fulltime without regard to social situations or consequences is a schizophrenic, but an AB who can manage a job and his life merely has a different outlook on life.. Be good to yourself. Mama loves you!
There is no reason to be suicidal, Baby Stevie, both the Lord and Mama love you and understand your problems. Just be kind, forgiving and loving of yourself and all will be well.
With Hugs and Kisses to her Beloved Baby Boy,
Mama Jenn
Postscriptum: Mama rarely makes this sort of offer, but if Babykins wants to have her story, "Onward Christian Soldiers" send via email in small pieces, she will be pleased to do so as a gesture of her love and concern for her baby boy.
Dear Jenn
I'm a pacifier-lover, not an AB. I search other adults who love only pacifiers. You had a letter at the 05/07/00 from a person named TANITA. Her story about the old pacifiers and the smell of it is absolutely famos. Can you give me her E-Mail Adress, I really need to contact her. I think its rather time for a club of pacifierlovers, because we cannot find our obsessions on AB or Thumpsucker-sites. Thank you very much for your help.
As a matter of policy, I never give out the email address of one of my readers without their express permission. Mama has promised to respect her reader's privacy and won't deviate from her policy for any reason. I'd rather SCRAM my hard drive than let anyone have unauthorized access to a reader's email address. I will, however, post your letter in the hope that she reads it, and if you wish, I'll forward your letter to her with your email address that is on your question to me.
With pacifiers becoming so popular with the Rage set and there being Websites for thumbsuckers, Mama would be pleased to assist you in any way that doesn't violate her reader's privacy rights. I agree, it's high time that pacifier lovers have a newsgroup or WebRing of their own.
Mama Jenn
Please Mama Jenn What Can I Do To Relax And Wet The Bed & My Diapers At Night. When I Where Diapers To Bed And Feel The Urge To Pee I Cant Put My Mind At Ease Enough To Just Let It Go. Thanks For Your Help
Hi Mama Jenn
Is there any possibilty to learn bedwetting again?
I've tried the hypno CD's without success....
Thanks for your answer.
Baby Dani
Wetting your bed while you sleep isn't that hard. Mama has addressed the problem before, but she'll do it again. The first step is to retrain your bladder nerves to pee when they detect the slightest fullness in your bladder. That is very, very easy to do. Just pee the minute that you feel the urge and don't wait. This should be done every day and throughout the day as well as the evening. Drink lots of water so you'll need to pee often. It is important that you continue to drink lots of water and pee the minute you feel the need both day and night. Coffee and Tea are diuretics that will help you pee during the day, as long as you drink lots of water. Drink at least 10 x 8 oz. glasses of water a day and 4 x 8 oz. of water just before going to bed. Don't drink coffee or tea before going to bed, because they will just keep you awake. Instead, take a mild sleep inducer like 50-100mg of Benadryl one half hour before going to sleep and play some soothing music whilst you get ready to go beddie-bye and go to sleep. For a snack before bedtime, eat lots of watermelon. It has a natural diuretic that will help you produce pee while you sleep.
Darlings, the results won't be immediate, but once you've retrained your bladder nerves to expect that you will pee a minute or two after they signal you, it will be almost impossible to wake up and make it to the potty on time after a month or two. A sedative like Benadryl will keep you asleep until it's too late to even wake. After your bladder gets used to voiding during the night as you sleep, you won't even need the Benadryl.
Stay Wet and Happy!
Mama Jenn
I'm looking for some help. My wife and I want to build a changing table for me. I have looked all over but cannot find any ideas. Do you know of some plans we can use to build one or someone who has one that we can get some ideas from? Buy or build we are just looking for somewhere to start. Thanks for your time and help,
Mama suggests that you consider a masseuse's table. The Massage Table Warehouse at may have just the table for you. Their Claremont model sells for $599, has adjustable height and a luxurious three-layer 3 1/2" padding with rounded corners so baby won't get hurt as he gets on and off the table. It is available with an optional cabinet or you could easily mount epoxy-coated wire frame drawers to store diapers, plastic pants and changing needs on the solid wooden platform below the table.. This is a rugged table built by a Texas firm and it's designed to take an adult's weight as well as a "beating". (Literally!)
The basic Avalon model is less expensive, selling for $370 dollars and has a thinner pad with ninety-degree corners. The standard Doeskin vinyl coverings on the pads are resistant to oil, stains (both poop and pee), as well as abrasion. They can be easily cleaned with alcohol or strong detergent. They come in Teal, Jade, Raspberry, Purple, Buff, Roman Tan, Lavender, Black Haze, Gray, Dutch Blue, Agate Blue, Burgundy and Hunter Green.
It's possible that you might be able to find blueprints for a masseuse's table in the classified ads section of a Professional Masseuse's magazine. You could also take a look at Ms Trish's site at and look at Ellie's adult cribs and highchairs. At the moment, he is working on an adult playpen, but he might consider a changing table in the future. Ms Trish's email is Tell her that I sent you if you email her and give her my regards.
With Hugs and Kisses,
Mama Jenn
Dear Mama Jenn:
There does not seem to be a lot of mommies who want to look after baby girls,
do you know where a little girl could go to find out more about where baby
girls can be looked after.
many,many thanks
All Mama can suggest is to put ads in the personals. The reason that there are less mommies for baby girls is that women in general are not oriented towards ABs. When they can accept it, it's usually accepting and answering their husband's or boyfriend's needs. There is a large amount of maternalism in accepting men's infantilism. If a man wants a Daddy, the fairly high rate of homosexuality among the male population, means that there is a larger pool of prospective same sex parents upon which to draw.
Because women are more emotionally mature that men in general, the incidence of homosexuality and infantilism is much smaller in the female population. The most likely source of a mommy for a woman would be a very good friend or lesbian lover with very strong maternal instincts. Men have a terrible time finding mommies for themselves and because of the demographics, it's that much harder for a woman to find a same sex parent, i.e., a mommy.
Good luck on finding a mommy, Sugar!
Mama Jenn.
hello Mama Jenn :)
i'm a mid 50sh AB boy, and have now found myself in out littlle world but am
looking for help in developing my wishes and desires with someone who would
care for me, look after me. i want to be a loving baby, but need loving
mommie. my little world is so small would like to extend it. have read all
what is in your beautiful site and it opened a lot of avenues for me.
Thank you Mama Jenn for all you do
kissy kissy
You are very welcome. Mama is always pleased to hear that our site has made someone feel a little bit better about themselves and the world.
Take care of yourself, Sweetiepie!
Mama Jenn
Hi Mama Jenn.
I am a gay baby, but I was hoping it was ok to
write to you. My daddy likes keeping me in diapers and plastic panties and
baby clothes most of hte time and he says I'm a very good baby. He likes
taking me out in public. It's hard for me sometime, but I do it because daddy
says. He likes to take me to the store and make me buy adult diapers while
i'm thickly diapered. Sometimes he'll check my diapees in public, too, to see
if I've wet or messed them. We also go to bars sometimes where he makes me
show my diapers and plastic panties in front of others. Mama, I was wondering
if you have any ideas for what else we could do in public. Do you ever take
your baby out in his diapers and plastic panties. We would love any ideas you
might have. Legal of course:) Thank you Mommy. I hope it's ok for gay baby to
write. you have such a good site.
Bye bye.
Baby Jerjer
Mama is perfectly aware that little boys often have problems associating with little girls and sometimes prefer the company of their own sex. It's entirely natural that you should feel that way at your age, so don't feel as if Mama disapproves of you because you are Gay. Mama loves all of her babies, and she doesn't take exception to babies who prefer the company of people of their own sex. I'd be a terrible mommy if I didn't understand that all of her babies didn't have their own preferences, from the type of baby food that they like, down to the kind of diaper that suits them best.
Do you have any Gay AB friends? Perhaps you could have a Gay AB party. Or if some of your friends are female impersonators, you could have a costume party for them and their partners with you attending as the baby with your Daddy. Not only would you be inordinately cute as the only baby there, but you'd be "mothered" by your friends who would be impersonating women.
Since I don't know where you live, Darling, Mama doesn't have a clue as to the social mores of the area where you reside. What's perfectly okay in San Francisco is....,shall we completely unacceptable and illegal in Lubbock, Texas or in Salt Lake City, Utah? Since you asked in your question in such a fashion that you bordered my answer by asking what I think might be legal, I think in general, that some form of party is your best bet other than a "happening" at a Gay bar.
It's a little late for Halloween, so how about a New Year's Baby Contest at your favorite bar to be held on New Year's Eve? Bar owners are always looking for interesting and novel ideas to bring people in during the holidays, and that might fit the bill. The German-Austrian holiday of Fasching (or Feast of Fools) is coming on Candlemas on Feb 2 although it is technically held on Rose Monday, the Monday before Ash Wednesday. For the Germans and Austrians, it is a traditional time of costume parties. (If it's a bar "happening", the bar could discount German beer for the evening.) Valentine's day also comes to mind as a possible time for someone to be dressed like a baby, especially if there is a Cupid contest. (Add a children's bow and arrow set to your real baby costume, and viola, the AB becomes a Cupid!) Also, Shrove Tuesday, the last day of Shrovetide, is a time of merrymaking before Lent. This costuming holiday is better known as Mardi Gras and is a favorite time of merrymaking and costuming among Gays.
Perhaps you could interest your favorite Gay bar in having a baby contest or a holiday costume party during one of the holidays I've suggested. Other than a private party, the bar scene is a perfect cover legally because of the number of people involved and the usual advertising handouts. If you are stopped by the police, you need merely display the handout to show that you are going to a contest or costume party associated with some holiday. Your state of dress or undress would then have a legitimate explanation which would hold up in court as a community activity.
Costume parties tend to shift the norm of legality of dress into more informal rules. During Samhain or Halloween, no one thinks anything of people in odd costumes wandering around the grocery and liquor stores. Although baby costumes seemed to be out this year on Halloween for some unknown reason, they tend to answer some people's needs so that baby costumes will always remain a favorite of a few people.
Gay Pride Day is another venue, although the day tends to be held on different days in different locations. In liberal cities like New York and San Francisco, you could easily get away with being dressed as an Adult Baby during a Gay Pride Day March.
If you are a member of the Metropolitan Community Church, which serves the Gay community, perhaps you could talk the pastor into having a "We are All Children of God" night and have a church party (sleepover??) with everyone dressed as children or babies. Cookies, Graham crackers, milk (whole and chocolate), Hawaiian punch, apple juice or even (yeech!) Kool-Aid could be served as refreshments. If the party starts early, then a main course of hot dogs or hamburgers with chips might be in order. Children's games would be the theme of the event with a story telling session from children's Bible story books as the "children and babies" sit or lie on their blankets on the floor while the pastor or some of the caregivers tell the Bible stories one-by-one. The "little ones" could have their diapers changed in private as needed in another room. A small session of prayer could be added at the beginning and end of the event. (I suggest that babies should bring their own non-alcoholic formula in baby bottles and that toddlers should bring their own tippy cups and that everyone bring their own blankies and pillows for storytelling time. If it's going to be a sleepover, toys, binkies and other items of comfort like teddy bears should be included along with the bedding.)
[If anyone who reads my reply is Gay and would like to have a "We are All Children of God" night at the local Metropolitan Community Church of which you are a member or wish to pass on the idea to the Metropolitan Community Church as a whole, please feel free to share my ideas and resources with your pastor. I think it is a grand idea (not just for ABs) and should be passed on for consideration as a way to bring each member of the parish together in a non-threatening manner. If the members of a particular church would see each other as dressed and acting like children, they would be more inclined to accept that God loves them equally and that they are not much different from each other in their needs for love and acceptance. M.J.]
There used to be an AB bar in New York, but alas and alack, it is no more. If you live in Great Britain, there are a number of private clubs which cater to ABs.
Sweetheart, what you can't do is go to a Mall, a public restaurant, or a public park dressed as a baby. As much as Mama dislikes to tell you this, there is rampant homophobia in this country. ABs are too small a group and considered too bizarre for most police agencies to take official notice of them but that doesn't mean that a single officer may be so frightened or discommoded by the sight of an adult in a baby costume, that he or she won't attempt to arrest you.
Your only hope of perfectly licit activity is to cloak yourself within the protective shield of the community, i.e., that of a public party, a church activity or a minority rights march.. The other venue is to have a private party and provide dressing areas for the guests to change into their costumes after they arrive. Local DPF ( area representatives/organizers often have private AB parties in their areas. You could also attend one of their parties.
With Love and Kisses,
Mama Jenn
Postscriptum: Mama has written several articles on how to organize an AB party. You can find them under the AB Care and Resources section of our Website. Feel free to print and use any or all of my suggestions to present to your pastor, a bar owner or use them yourself to organize an AB party. They were posted for your use. Don't despair. Be inventive and you can have a great time being a baby in front of others! And no, Mama never, ever, takes her baby out in public wearing baby clothes!
Dear Mama Jenn,
For the longest itme, I've been looking for a girl in diapers. I've never found one.
Recently I met this girl in Mexico & got married. At first she accepted my
diaper love. She even participated. Now she hates it. She even tells me that
I'm sick because of my love of diapers! She always puts me down because of
What do you think I can do? Sometimes, when I have a migraine, I really do
need the diapers. Because of this, I can't give up the diapers. Besides, I
hardly ever use them. I more prefer to see the diaper on the girl.
Can you help me?
thank you
Mama is very sorry to hear of your predicament. Mama can intellectually understand your desire to see a woman in diapers, but if your wife doesn't want to cooperate, then that's her right. Your occasional need to wear diapers is another matter altogether. You are not sick, but are seeking comfort in a very harmless manner. I rather doubt that arguing with her or showing her documentation about infantilism would help change her mind. Latino cultures outside of the United States are notorious for having very rigid sexual mores. Any perceived weakness in men is frowned upon. Men are permitted and often encouraged to beat their wives and male homosexuals are frequently raped and beaten by the police.
Because of your statement that she belittles you, I wonder if you are happy in your marriage. Have you been married long? Has she become an American citizen? If not, then it is entirely possible that a divorce might lead to her deportation by the Immigration and Naturalization Service. It is not uncommon for women in other countries to marry American men simply to get American citizenship and to that end, they are willing to put up with any perceived "eccentricity" to get citizenship. If her citizen status is such that a divorce would lead to her deportation, then the threat of a divorce might make her stop disparaging you. Mama warns you, however, that while that tactic might quiet her complaints, it will almost certainly destroy your marriage.
With Love and Concern, I remain,
Mama Jenn
Dear Mama Jean:
First of all, thank you for your site! By far, this is the best site I have come across for Mommies, as well as AB's. I thoroughly enjoyed your literature, and am very happy to know there is a site like this for us.
I am a professional mommie and would like to put out the word that I am
available for NYC area AB's. How can I best do this? I would also like to
communicate with other mommies.
Thanks for your help : )
Thank you so much for the kudos! Everyone associated with this site works very hard to make it a happy, entertaining place for ABs and their caregivers as well as a resource for them to go for advice and detailed instructions to help them make a satisfactory AB lifestyle for themselves.
You submitted your information on the babysitter's form and the page will be updated. Thanks for adding your name to the list. There are an estimated 10,000 ABs out there - which means that there is a big demand for babysitters.
As for communicating with other mommies, Many mommies chat in our chat rooms. Mama Kat has been trying to set up regular chat time to get together and chat. Check the webboard for more information.
Mama Jenn
Dear Mama Jenn,
I was wondering if you knew where I could get adult baby patterns? I use
size 14 kids patterns right now, but you can only go so far with them. I have
made cuddly onsies out of some PJ's patterns I have. I have one dress pattern
that passes for a baby dress, but I noticed alot of babies have some homemade
outfits on.
Thank you
Mama Kat
I have devoted nearly a month to researching your question so I could give you the best answer I could. My full reply to you will be in our AB Care and Resources section because of the time and resources I've put into getting answers for you.
First, I'll give you the bad news, no major pattern company makes baby clothes patterns in adult sizes even as costume wear. Nor have I found any patterns for clothes for incontinent people which look like baby clothes. I have not been able to find any free Internet instructions on designing or altering patterns using the traditional seamstress's slash and spread, pivot and slide and seam methods. I researched pattern making software and was able to come up with ONE software product which will work.
Now for the good news; there are just a few patterns that can be altered as well as some Internet Resources that may help you. I have created an entirely new AB Resource page to answer your questions.
How to Alter and Design Patterns for Adult Babies with Resources for Custom and Off-the-Shelf Clothing for ABs.
Mama Jenn
Hiyee mommy!
Me a cute widdle boy who wuvs everything! But me wuv lullabyes more dan
anytin! Does you know of any weally pwetty lullabyes for baby?
Of course Mama knows a number of lullabies, Sweetbottoms! How could one be a proper mommy to a baby if she couldn't lull her little one to sleep with a soft maternal song? Mama loves to sit in her rocking chair in her baby's nursery with her baby on her lap, who always becomes sleepy as Mama slowly rocks him on her lap. He always looks completely secure as he begins drowse upright against her warm side while wrapped cozily in his blankie. He smiles sleepily as he lies propped in the crook of her right arm as her hand gently and lovingly pats his thick diapered bottom to comfort him while she sings him to sleep!
Since Mama can't sing a lullaby for you, perhaps you can buy a CD of lullabies that you can listen to as you lay in your crib. Mama is extremely impressed with collection of baby lullabies that she found on the Internet. They put her baby to sleep almost immediately. The lullabies are available in either a CD or tape format with music synced to a mother's recorded heart beat. (They can be found at: - $15.90 (tape) or $17.90 (CD) - no shipping, tax or handling charges - 1st Class Mail - 30 Day Money-back Guarantee)
There is another company that offers a custom lullaby CD for $16.95 that has personalized music with your baby name in the music and on the title of the CD. It can be found at: Click the Listen to Lullaby link to hear their personalized music.
You can also do a search using the MP3 search engine at: to find MP3 lullabies. Mama found over a thousand when she did a search. If you have a CD-R, you can make your own lullaby CDs.
Love and Kisses,
Mama Jenn
Do you feel badly about your nocturnal bedwetting or messing?
Look at this site to see that you are not alone!
Please don't respond to the messages on the above Website as an AB. These messages are from parents of children as old as seventeen who still wet and mess in their beds. In the last case, the teenagers' doctor said diapers were inappropriate. This sort of foolishness may anger some ABs, but the AB community doesn't need the exposure and bad feelings created by making complaints about silly doctors!
Be good babies!
Love and Kisses,
Mama Jenn
Dear mama
whats wrong with me???????????????????????
Love and Kisses,
Mama Jenn
Dear Mama Jenn,
I have a problem. My mommy has put me back in diapers, and I don't think she's going to let me out of them! I'd better start from the beginning.
I'm 30, and I've had a fascination with diapers for about 20 years. I've worn diapers on and off that entire time. I'm more the diaper lover than ab - I wear my diapers mainly for sexual gratification. I've bought lots of diapers over the years, and would wear them for days, weeks, even months at a time (not wear them all the time, but at night, or short periods during the day at home), then I'd throw everything away and go without
for months, even a year or two (though even when I didn't have diapers, I had diaper fantasies and would masturbate while thinking of my diaper fantasies.) When I do wear diapers, I like to wear a lot of baby diapers (Pampers) underneath an adult diaper. It can get pretty bulky. I use some packing tape to tape my diapers shut. But a month ago, my world changed.
I had started up again with some new diapers about mid-August. I'mable to work at home a few days a week. I had worn diapers the previous Sunday and come Monday morning, decided I'd wear them all day Monday, too. After lunch, I decided to take a nap. I was asleep on my bed in only my diapers and a t-shirt when my mommy (my real mommy) made a surprise visit. She had come over to drop something off at my house (she has a key to my house for emergencies and when I'm away for business and such so she can check in on my cats). She didn't know I was working at home that day, and as my car was in the garage, didn't know I was home. She let herself in, and I didn't hear her (I sleep like the dead - if I don't leave the phone by the bed, I'll never hear it ring while I'm asleep, even though it's only 2 rooms away). So my mommy came down the hall to put the book back that she had borrowed and passed my bedroom. I don't know what her initial reaction was, but the first thing I heard was her shouting my full name - including my middle name - and she hasn't done that for maybe 15 years!
I was very embarrassed. My mommy lectured me for
several minutes about being a grown man, and how
embarrassed she was to see her fully grown son of 30
years back in diapers. I began to feel humiliated.
Then she checked to see if my diaper was wet! (Which
it was, because I had wet before settling down for my
nap.) My mommy said that if it was diapers I wanted,
it was diapers I would get. She told me to lay back
down on the bed, and asked me where my extra diapers
were. I told her and she went to the chest in the
corner of the room and got fresh diapers, as well as
baby oil and baby powder and the packing tape I use to
tape my diapers shut. My mommy undid my diaper and
told me roll over on my stomach. I thought I was
going to get oiled and powdered, but instead, I got a
spanking! For the first time in probably 20 years, I
got spanked by my mommy. She spanked hard, too, and
after a few minutes, I was crying like a baby. Then I
did get re-diapered.
That night, my mommy tucked me into bed, in my
diapers. The next morning, she came back, but
wouldn't take my diapers off me until I wet them. So
I stood there for a few minutes until I wet them.
Then they came off and I got cleaned up, dressed and
went to work.
The next two weeks went much the same. Mommy diapered
me every night, except when I had a meeting at night,
in which case I was supposed to diaper myself. One
time I didn't, and the next morning, mommy gave me a
terrible spanking, so I've been very careful to do
what mommy says ever since. Mommy put me to bed
earlier and earlier, until my bedtime was around 9 pm
(again, except meeting nights). And I didn't get out
of my diapers in the morning until I wet them. And on
weekends, I didn't get out of my diapers at all! On
the days I worked at home, I was in diapers, too. My
first poopies in my diapers was very humiliating.
Mommy made a big fuss about it.
Two weeks ago, mommy brought a young woman to my house
when I got home from work. She was very nice. Very
pretty and very nice. Her name is Lori and she's in
her early twenties. But because she's small (about
5'4, 100 lbs.), she doesn't look out of high school.
At first I thought mommy was trying to introduce me to
someone, you know, as a date. Then I found out Lori
works at the local daycare center and that mommy had
hired her as my babysitter! So Lori knew all about my
secret. Mommy said it was time to get me changed, and
I tried to explain that I couldn't be diapered in
front of Lori, but mommy said that was nonsense, that
mommies know best and that since Lori would be
changing my diapers regularly, there was no time like
the present to get started. I started to cry as mommy
and Lori undressed me in the bedroom and I laid back
on the bed. Mommy got my diaper things and Lori went
at it like an expert. My weewee got hard, and mommy
and Lori just smiled. I was crying the entire time,
but Lori was very sweet about it and talked nice to me
and rubbed my tummy while she diapered me. After
getting diapered, I was escorted to the living room
and told to lie on a blanket on the floor while mommy
and Carrie went into the kitchen to discuss
Over the past two weeks, Lori and mommy have split the
week about half and half. Mommy does the weekdays and
a couple evenings, while Lori does the weekends and
remaining evenings. I like it when Lori comes,
because she cuddles me and runs her fingers through my
hair as she talks nice to me. I fell asleep in her
arms one night. And another night, she let me suckle,
though I had to promise not to tell mommy about that.
But last weekend, things got worse. On Saturday,
mommy took me and Lori shopping. I wasn't wearing my
usually bulky diapers - just one adult diaper. We
went to several thrift stores, looking at cribs and
other baby furniture. I was beet red most of the
time, hoping that maybe people just thought we were a
mother, her son and his wife out shopping for a
upcoming baby. We bought a older wooden crib that is
slightly oversized - about 5 feet in length - plus a
mattress. We also bought a playpen and a high chair.
It was plain to see my life as a baby was about to get
serious. We went to Wal-Mart and bought sheets and
that padded stuff you run around the inside of the
crib. While Lori was watching me, mommy went off by
herself and bought a few more things. Then we went to
Sam's and bought a case each of diapers, formula, and
baby food.
When we got home, the first thing that came out was
the playpen, which mommy set up in the living room
while Lori put me into my regular diapers. I was then
put into the playpen while mommy and Lori setup the
crib in the spare bedroom and put everything else
So last Saturday was my first night in a crib in over
25 years. I was served dinner in my high chair. Lori
spoon-fed me baby food and I also had formula from a
bottle. It had been such a stressful day that soon
after dinner, I was beginning to feel drowsy, and
mommy decided it was my bedtime. My diapers were
changed and then the next surprise came. Mommy had
bought a pink sleeper suit for me! It was the kind
they market to women, so it was adult size, and it was
the footed kind of sleeper. I started to cry when
mommy showed it to me, but I had no choice as mommy
and Lori made me get into it and zipped it up the
front. I was then led to the spare bedroom, where my
crib was waiting for me. Mommy lowered the side and I
sat down on it. It creaked a little, but held. I had
to scrunch up to fit in it laying down on my side -
almost in a half-fetal position. The bulk of the
diapers made laying on my side very uncomfortable. I
started to cry 'cause I didn't want to sleep in a
crib! Mommy slipped a pacifier into my mouth and told
me not to spit it out, or there would be trouble.
Mommy and Lori both kissed me on the forehead, put the
side of the crib back up and left the room, turning
off the light. I cried myself to sleep.
Since that Saturday a week ago, I've spent every night
in the crib. And on the days in the last week when
I've been home, my life has taken on a baby's routine,
with a bottle in the morning, diaper changes
throughout the day, morning and afternoon 'playtimes'
in the playpen and afternoon naps in my crib. I'm
still allowed to work a few hours during these days.
Last Friday, Lori stayed the night and slept in my bed
while I slept in my crib. She woke me up in the
middle of the night to check my diapees and I was wet!
In fact, I've woken up wet two mornings in the past
week, and once during the day, I didn't realize I was
wetting until I was about halfway done.
Mama Jenn, things are way out of control! All I
wanted was to use diapers as a fantasy from time to
time. But now I'm very afraid my mommy is turning me
into a baby. I asked her when I could get out
diapers, and she said she didn't know, she hadn't
decided yet. I don't want to be a baby! Mama Jenn,
how can I convince my mommy to let me out of my
You have gotten yourself into a fix, haven't you, Baby Jon-Jon? Considering how your Mommy is acting, I think open rebellion is out of the question. It sounds as if you should make her angry, she'll promptly haul down your dypees and pull you over her lap so she can spank your naked bottom until you blubber like a baby!
Your growing loss of bladder control tells me that your subconscious is perfectly happy with the arrangement. If you don't do something quick, I shan't be surprised if you start uncontrollably pooping in your dypee at night and after meals like a baby. If you start messing your dyoees in your sleep and after meals as well as begin to suck your thumb during the day while you are in your playpen (or whilst you slumber during a nap), then that's a very bad sign that your patterns of adult behavior are beginning to whither away.
Tell your Mommy that you want to be a big boy and be potty-trained again. With luck, she'll let you use a potty chair to make your poopies. If she does that, maybe you can move on to toddler food and a tippy cup.
If you don't stop your backward slide into infancy soon, you might find yourself waking up one day being totally incontinent and unable to concentrate long enough to work. You may even find yourself babbling like a toddler when you awake in baby mode in the presence of your Mommy or Babysitter. Babies have very short attention spans and even if they have an adult education and skills, they are not employable because their attention span of one-to-three minutes is insufficient to retain a job. You might even discover yourself sucking your thumb at odd moments and in moments of stress in front of your superiors. I can guarantee you that such infantine behavior in front of adults will shorten the length of your professional corporate career to nil..
When that day comes, it will only take your Mommy a short visit to the County or Parish Courthouse with your hand firmly in tow in your Mommy's hand while you are slowly waddling behind her wearing your thick diapers and snap-legged pants to convince a Judge that you are no longer have a adult mind to handle your affairs!
One look at your drool-covered chin while you suck your thumb, or the pacifier clipped to your shirt as you blather incontinently while an obvious dark stain grows around your crotch and down your legs because you have oversoaked your dypees with pee and leaked into your pants will be more than sufficient to guarantee that virtually every Judge will declare you mentally incompetent and award your mother permanent guardianship over you and your assets!
Should you make a smelly poopie whilst in the courtroom, it will most likely be a very short session with the Judge. If your Mommy becomes your permanent Guardian, your Mommy will probably sell your house and you'll end up moving in with Mommy. Once you become financially dependent as well emotionally and physically dependent on Mommy to feed, bathe, change your dypees and tuck you into your crib each night, you'll likely regress even further and remain a baby for the rest of your life.
If you start showing some signs of wanting to grow up, perhaps she will allow you to be potty-trained again. For the moment, however, the immediate future looks bleak. I'd hazard a guess that it won't be long until you have to wear diapers to work because of your progressively poor bladder control. You could seek the advice of a professional, such as a Psychologist or Psychiatrist, but their advice would most likely be to stand up to your Mommy and say "No!"
Since you haven't gotten up the courage to object to your treatment by your Mommy at this point, Mama seriously doubts that you will rebel against her in the near future. In all likelihood, your Mommy wants to teach you a good lesson that you'll never forget. If you humbly ask to be potty-trained, perhaps she'll relent.
Mama suspects that you'll be in dypees for a long, long time, before your Mommy is convinced that you want to be a man again though! If you don't have the courage to stand up to your Mommy, then you'll just have to be as patient and as accepting as any other little two or three-year-old toddler who is scared of his Mommy's powers or secretly wants his Mommy to control his life and baby him. Try to be good and act as mature as you can! The more infantile that you act, the more your Mommy will believe that being babied is what you want most in the world!
Good Luck!
Mama Jenn
Postscriptum: If you do "lose the game" and are forced to move in with Mommy, try to convince her to use some of the money from your savings and the sale of your house to get an adult-sized crib. There is absolutely no reason why anyone should be forced to live with the pain of having to sleep in a bed that is so small that it will cause acute spinal and respiratory problems! The crib size that you described as sleeping in is hazardous to your health! Adult backs are not as limber as those of babies. You need a full-sized adult crib in which to sleep! If your Mommy is going to turn you into a permanent baby again, then sleeping in an undersized crib is, in my mind, a form of moral child abuse! Legally, it is a prosecutable offence as a type of torture which is covered by each state's penal codes of simple assault and/or willful physical neglect of a helpless person under the care of another.
BTW, just how do you fit into a baby's High Chair? Most boys over seven can't get their bottoms into a standard baby High Chair!
If you do become a total baby instead of a diaper aficionado, Mama Jenn would still like to hear from you or your Mommy. Mama loves her babies, one and all!
Mama Jenn