Developmental Milestone Chart for Children

Physical, Sensory, Cognitive, Linguistic, & Behavioral Milestones From Birth to Eighteen Years


From Birth to Age One

Physical Milestones

Ergometric Graphic Age 2 months (male-female)

  • 6-8 Tbsp / day cereal

    18 – 24 Tbsp / day fruits, breads, vegetables, meats, finger foods

  • 10-12 months upper lateral incisors (2) [deciduous]
  • Sensory and Cognitive Milestones

    Language Milestones

    Social/Behavioral Milestones

    Between One and Two

    Physical Milestones

    Ergometric Graphic Age12-15 months (male-female)

    Ergometric Graphic Age 20-23 months (male-female)

    Sensory and Cognitive Milestones

    Language Milestones

    Social/Behavioral Milestones


    Between Two and Three

    Physical Milestones (Between Two and Three)

    Ergometric Graphic Age 2.5 - 3 yrs. (male-female)

    Sensory and Cognitive Milestones (Between Two and Three)

    Language Milestones (Between Two and Three)

    Social/Behavioral Milestones (Between Two and Three)


    Between Three and Four

    Physical Milestones

    Ergometric Graphic Age4 yrs. (male-female)

    Sensory and Cognitive Milestones

    Language Milestones

    Social/Behavioral Milestones

    Between Four and Five

    Physical Milestones

    Sensory and Cognitive Milestones

    Language Milestones

    Social/Behavioral Milestones


    Between Five and Six

    Physical Milestones

    Ergometric Graphic Age 6 yrs. (male-female)

    Sensory and Cognitive Milestones

    Language Milestones

    Social/Behavioral Milestones


    By Age Seven

    Physical Milestones


    By Age Eight

    Physical Milestones

    Ergometric Graphic Age 8 yrs. (male-female)


    By Age Nine

    Physical Milestones


    By Age Ten

    Physical Milestones

    Ergometric Graphic Age 10 yrs. (male-female)


    By Age Eleven

    Physical Milestones

    By Age Twelve

    Physical Milestones

    Ergometric Graphic Age 12 yrs. (male-female)


    By Age Thirteen

    Physical Milestones

    Ergometric Graphic Age 13 yrs. (male-female)


    By Age Fourteen

    Physical Milestones

    Ergometric Graphic Age 14 yrs. (male-female)


    By Age Fifteen

    Physical Milestones


    By Age Sixteen

    Physical Milestones

    Ergometric Graphic Age 16 yrs. (male-female)


    By Age Seventeen

  • Physical Milestones

    By Age Eighteen

  • Physical Milestones

    Above Age Eighteen

    Ergometric Graphic 50 percentile Adult Female frontal view

    Ergometric Graphic 50 percentile Adult Female side view

    Ergometric Graphic 50 percentile Adult Male frontal view

    Ergometric Graphic 50 percentile Adult Male side view


    Note: Human measurement data and dimensioned drawings were collected for educational purposes from a book entitled "The Measure of Man and Woman: Human Factors in Design" by Alvin R. Tilley, Henry Dreyfuss Associates, New York. Published by Whitney Library of Design, an imprint of Watson-Guptill Publications, New York, 1993.